Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter at O'Charleys...

Yesssss.  I do reliaze Easter was four days ago, and I'm sorry for the late post.  Time just won't wait for me to catch up during the day, so I always seem to get behind on the updates.  

Easter was really nice.  We went to church (Kai didn't even act out, because she went to sleep!), and then headed over to O'Charley's for Easter brunch.  All of the pictures are of brunch, because going into and leaving church was akin to going into and leaving a Beyonce concert.  There were hoards and hoards of people there, and we didn't even try to brave pictures in the parking lot.  At any rate, we were able to get a few pictures in the parking lot before we eat, so I hope yo enjoy.  

After brunch Caeden and Kai had to lie down so the Easter bunny could come and drop off the eggs for them to hunt.  Let me just say:  Kai Baby was all about finding eggs-any type of egg.  Caeden?  It was all about the money egg!!!  It took her a minute (not to mention a little help from us in the form of  "hot, cold"), but she found it.  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and got a chance to reflect on the beauty of and meaning behind the day.  See you soon!


amy (metz) walker said...

You have a beautiful family!!!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...your comment was incredibly encouraging and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

Can't wait to read more!

Joni said...

I can't believe Caeden with the "big girl" hairdo. So cute.