Thursday, September 10, 2009

The REAL Real Housewives of Atlanta....

Ok. I've been silent on the show for long enough.  Big ups to these women for landing a gig, getting some money for doing so, and keeping enough people captivated to land a second season.  I have had about 40 people ask me whether housewives in Atlanta were really like Nene, Shere, Lisa, Kandi (last season Lisa), and Kim.  You would be AMAZED at the number of women who ask me, "Do you act like that?" (While I'm thinking do you SEE me acting like that?) "Do you know any of them?" (While the answer is 'yes', do you THINK I want you knowing who I know so you can automatically begin making comparisons between the two of us...) or my PERSONAL favorite, "Why didn't you try to get on the show?" (Ummmm, better question:  why didn't I submit my information to Bravo to be turned down or put off a show, because my life is DEVOID of incessant drama??????)

Again, I APPLAUD the hustle!  These women have sensationalized drama in a way I can't even begin to describe.  Brands we may have NEVER heard of (She by Shere, WuBaby, TARDY FOR THE PARTY) are now KNOWN.  But at what cost?  Is it really that important to be successful at the expense of being known here and forever more as a drama queen? A liar? Untrustworthy? A whore?  IS it??  

Let me say this:  the only one of these women I know personally is NOT who she portrays herself to be on the show.  When our husbands worked together, she was VERY quiet, very professional, and all about her business.  Added to that, she was actually NICE.  Now she's portrayed as this uber important drama making golddigger, and I just don't get it.

As far as the demographic these women represent, let me touch on that.  How many women are entertainers?  Mistresses?  Athletes spouses/ex spouses?  Exactly.  These women represent a very SMALL class of women in the "A."  I NEVER bring up what my husband does/did professionally, but because of his past affiliation I feel completely able to speak on the subject:  ALL ATHLETES WIVES DO NOT SPEND ALL OF THEIR TIME SHOPPING OR DRINKING WINE OR HAVING GIRLS DAYS OUT OR TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES!  Quite the contrary.  An example?  No problem. ME.  A typical day:

6:30 am:  Wake up and get Caeden ready for school
6:55 am:  Out the door to the bus (either me or the Hubs)
7:45-7:55 am:  Wake Kai up and get her ready for school or Gymboree 
9:00 am:  Drop Kai off
9:30-11:00 am:  work out
11:30-11:55:  Shower and dress 
12:15:  Pick Kai up
12:30-1pm:  Head to the grocery store to get supplies for dinner
1:30-3:  Kai naps...during her nap I either get dinner ready or sit beside her trying to make sure she gets a good nap (on a rare occasion, I'll get an hour in myself).
4 pm:  Pick up Caeden from the bus
5-7:  Homework, P takes Caeden to soccer, dinner gets ready, laundry, lunches made, clothes ironed
7-8:30:  Kids fed, bathed, and put down for the night.
9 pm:  Shower, finish cleaning for the night, etc.
10:30: Bed

Now, don't get me wrong:  Fridays Peerless and I have a date night (unless we have soccer the next day, in which case we order take out and watch Blockbuster on the couch), and Saturdays we typically relax, because the girls are with Mimi.  Nonetheless, this is not the sensationalized, glamour filled life you see on the RHOA.  I don't have time to find out what's going on in my extended family, much less to stir up drama in someone elses household.  Right now, I'm about to go get this jambolaya and broccoli together while the kids are gone with their daddy to soccer....Then it's a hot, steamy date with two baskets of laundry that are arguing with each other about which is to be put up first....Yes....that is the life of a Real Housewife of Atlanta.  What's even better?  I'm happy. And that means everything!


Kembree said...

Awww, you would be exciting to watch :) I keep telling DS, that if he had a show with his assistant it would be WAY more entertaining than the TO show and we wouldnt have had to make up things to show on the there! :) hahaha..but I agree I would be so weirded out showing my personal life on there!! And I admit, I do love to watch RHOA! :)

Anne said...

Love you and your 'boring' life...

Me :)