Monday, May 25, 2009

There are some universal truths in the Price household:
1)  The children are not allowed to take a bath with the husband anymore, because they have realized there is a difference between girl parts and boy parts.
2)  If you fall down, hurt yourself, or find yourself in any other perilous situation (except the URGENCY of needing a bug killed, let outside, or otherwise disposed of) you call the Mommie.
3)  If the husband runs bath water, there will be a 2 hour window between the bath and the final phase of "readiness" to leave the house.
4)  The husband is responsible for ALL cleaning of cars--whether he does it or has someone to come and do it for him.
5)  The wife cooks. Period. No questions.  Unless there is an argument going on in which the husband will make "noodles."

Now, those are the basics.  There are some others, but I'm still too taken aback by today's activities to go into that.  

Today Mr. Price did IT.  He got on the GRILL.  Yes.  Understand:  he cooked breakfast for the girls on my birthday, and I was uber impressed at that.  We have had a very event filled weekend, so we weren't even doing the whole "Memorial Day cookout" thing, but I woke up this morning with a hankering for some baked beans.  That's all I wanted.  So I had the bright idea of making baked beans, pasta salad, and turkey dogs and turkey burgers on our range top grill.  Everything went fine, until I went to turn the grill on.  There was the familiar "click, click, click" indicating a fire was SUPPOSED to be coming....but never a fire.  I told Peerless I was having a problem with the stove and he tinkered, and tinkered, and tinkered...and still didn't get it lit. 

At this point, I began prepping for regular old stove top burgers and dogs.  I mean, if we couldn't get it started, we just couldn't get it going.  Peerless, however, decided that we WERE having grilled food--one way or the other.  He went outside to our gas grill, cleaned it off, and said HE was going to cook the meat.  Ok.  Please refer back to the universal truth section. Please.  I HATE grilling.  I know how, but I ABHOR it.  With that in mind, the husband set his sights on our impromptu cookout, and....Well, look at the pictures!

The husband with oven mitts on, tending to the turkey dogs and turkey burgers...He has a serious fear of being burned by cooking fire...Please, don't ask.

Oh, I don't really think you can tell this man he is NOT the Grillmaster at this point.  The baby even looked on in amazement and said, "Daddy makin' my hot dog!?!?!?!?!"  Pretty much the sentiment of the entire crew.

Still at it.  Have you noticed, at all, the determination and seriousness of this man's face??? He was in a pretty somber mood all day, so he was all geared up to complete his serious job!!!

Meanwhile, the kids kept on their dressup clothes outside in the icky weather.  

These are their "silly faces."  You have to love it!

Here's Kai's OTHER silly face.
Mmmmmm.  The oldest girl's is the same.  Note:  this dressup is the SAME outfit she wore in Friday's recital.  She hasn't been separated from the shorts part of it since.  Can you say RIPE????

Peerless got so full of himself he felt he could sit back and chill while "his meat was on the grill."  Hilarious.

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