Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Field Day Part 2

Husband running in the parent/teacher race.... He won.  Shocked? LOL.

Husband before the race....

Caeden and her classmates thought it would be fun to give him their "water" version of a Gatorade victory bath!

Caeden and her homie, EG, in the relay.  Both ran the anchor for their teams.

Noodle pushing it to the limit in the one lap race.  We tried to get her to sit out the next event. SHE WOULDN'T.  

Caeden, EG, and Kai Baby at Field Day.

Per Kembree's request (and thanks to my homegirl, Beth Martin at Lakeview) here are some pictures from Field Day at Caeden's school last week.  Please note her serious look on the picture where she's not in the lead. That was the 1 lap race...led the whole way, then cramped, got tired, and let up.  Big ups to Jackie (the little girl who won) for pacing herself.  We're coming for you next year, though, little girl!

1 comment:

Kembree said...

Oh those are great! Thanks for sharing those..I LOVE pictures!