Monday, September 21, 2009

Life at 5656 has been pretty routine lately.  It kind of gets thats way when Caeden gets into school and we get her extracurricular schedule set.  It's school, soccer, and chorus around here. Not too much more.  Caeden's having a really good soccer season, though.  The group of girls she's playing with is a really talented group, and I'm really happy to have her as a part of that team.  Here are some pictures of Caeden in action on the soccer field...

This shot was taken during warmups, but it's one of my all time favorite action shots of Noodle!

Still warming up...

I called her name to get a picture of her, and this is what I got.  Classic Caeden.

Here is Kai in her fly " Team Caeden" shirt eating "fruit froops".... Check out those thicky thighs!!! HA!

This was taken before a game...the "after" shot had a huge, red popsicle stain on the front of the shirt....

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