Monday, May 4, 2009

Quick, happy notes...

Sometimes during the day I need something--anything--to make me smile.  Whether I've just been cut off in traffic, found out some not so good news, or just have a case of the "blahs" that I can't seem to shake.  In those times of perpetual "blahness" I look through pictures and inevitably end up smiling...Welllll, I thought I'd share a couple of smiles with you.  Hope you're having a great day!

Here are (respectively) KB trying on Caeden's clothes (no, C didn't give her permission), Caeden helping to bake a sweet potato pie at Mimi's, and Mia Hamm--I mean Caeden--about to give the BUSINESS to someone's children!

1 comment:

Kembree said...

yea!! Pictures.. :)