Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I blame it on Eve....and Pullups training pants....

I just HAD to share this with you guys, because it gave me SUCH a laugh.

I've often times tried to figure out when in a relationship that certain sense of decorum goes out the window.   You know, ladies: when is it ok to tie your hair up around your significant other, put face cream on your face around him, pick that chicken sandwich with fries and a large coke over that soup and salad combo (as long as the soup doesn't have cheese it, in which case the cheese melts, gets on your lip, and dangles there while you sit trying to look coyly--yet innocently--at your beau...I digress...), anyway, you get the point.  The ULTIMATE question is: when do you let your significant other know that you do have natural bodily functions.  Like flatulence...or bowel movements... or urination. (Give me a break, folks--I'm trying to be as P.C. as this post will allow me to be.) husband (depend on him for a periodic reality check) reminded me last night that even though people may have been together for 12 years,  there are still PLENTY of opportunities for straight on embarrassment.  

I was fresh out of the shower, lying in the bed, relaxing from the hustle and bustle of my day.  I was already stressed out and in pain (big ups to that heifer Mother Nature for deciding to come and visit), and BLAZING hot (the boy doesn't seem to feel the humidity in our bedroom is at 120%).  Here comes P, plopping down across my legs, head rested on my thigh, and ready for conversation.  We were having some random conversation when in the middle of his sentence my spouse--the same one I made some SERIOUS vows to--lifted his head, peered at my stomach (I thought), then looked me dead in my face, and said (in his Kai Baby like voice), "Mommie, you got on a pullup???"  Yes. He. Did.  It was all I could do to laugh, but I can honestly say that I was THOROUGHLY embarrassed that my husband--who I have children with--and with whom I have had my most intimate moments--knew that I had on a PAD.  Not even that I had on a PAD, but I had the nerve to have on one of those extra long, super thick, never leak, front to back, James Bond impenetrable, bulletproof, overnight pads.  

*awkward silence*...

So. Now. I. Know: The awkward moments never stop.  UNLESS YOU'RE A MAN in which case your exhibition of flatulence first thing in the morning is nothing more than a serenade dedicated to the night of sleep you just had.  The never ending battle of the sexes.  Curses!!!


Kembree said...

P is so funny! Tony is the same way, things the whole Period thing is just scary and gross.

Anne said...

I've SOOOO got you beat but I'm not real sure about putting it out there on the internets. It's a DOOOZZZYYY though. Remind me to tell you about after my hysterectomy...