Friday, August 1, 2008

Christmas in August

Have you guys ever seen something in passing, noted how wonderfully fantastic it was, and then seemingly forgotten about it?  I had one of these moments a month ago.  I was in Louis Vuitton with Peerless, Kai, and my homegirl, Kortni (who also happens to be my hair stylist), and I saw the most fabulous shoes EVER.  They happened to match a purse P got me for Mother's Day PERFECTLY.  So, this morning I went to the gym, went to pick Caeden up from my mom's to take her to camp, came home and showered, and was headed to the bedroom to finish getting dressed when on the bed sat two cards and a bag from Louis Vuitton.  I commenced to opening the cards, and then proceeding to the bag.  Lo and behold, Peerless DOES listen to me!!!  Santa brought his FAVORITE elf a special gift.  Look below to see what I'll be delivering gifts in this season.

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