Monday, August 25, 2008

The Real versus the Fake

My aunt, Venessa, sent a message through my mom today that I wasn't a "real blogger", because I hadn't been able to post an entry in a while.  So, even having spent and hour and a half in the doctor's office today to be told that I have a "virus", I am sitting down to catch you guys up on the happenings in my life.

This past weekend was a blast.  We had my mom's housewarming party on Saturday afternoon (early) and then Caeden's 8th birthday party late afternoon.  I don't know about you guys, but any time I have any kind of social gathering I am always a little nervous about the turnout.  It's like one big, never ending ball of WHAT IF.  What if I don't have enough food? What if I forget to get drinks? What if there isn't enough seating? What if there aren't enough people to sit in the seats I have? What if, what if, what if?????  So, Saturday I had a double dose of the 'what ifs' worrying about people coming to my mom's housewarming party and then worrying about Caeden having a nice turnout for her birthday party.  I am so happy to say that both events were huge successes.  My mom was beaming from ear to ear showing her home to our friends and family who came over, and Caeden was happier than a pig in slop as she skated, sang, ate, and laughed her way through the evening.  

As women, I think we have the tendency to overthink certain things.  I'm pretty sure that that's why instead of basking in the glory of those wonderful occasions, I was uber worried about people enjoying themselves, eating enough, being comfortable.  Things went off without a hitch, so I'm pleased.  I have a zillion pictures of the skating rink (sorry, Mimi, none at the house), so I'll get some up as soon as possible.

I have soooooo much more to type, but for now I must go.  There's a naked 8 year old in my bathtub screaming my name, followed by a naked 18 month old saying the same, so I have to go make them smell normal, again, and put them in bed....I'm planning to be in bed by 9:06 myself!!! No joke.

Monday, August 11, 2008

School's in....Almost

Well, today marked the beginning of the chapter in Caeden's life we will call "Lakeview."  There we went--Peerless, my mom, Kai Baby, Caeden, and me--to Lakeview's drop in day today to check out Caeden's classroom, teacher, find out bus information, all that.  I was so nervous my stomach was a wreck.  Caeden, on the other hand, was cool as a cucumber, and had made a new B.F.F. by the time we left school grounds.

From what I gathered today, her teacher is one of the school's favorites.  Several kids who had her last year said what a wonderful teacher she was, and the parents seemed equally as thrilled to have had her.  Caeden spent her time in the classroom running around with a little girl named Anna, laughing, smiling, and making new friends.  

We also got the information for her bus route, which I still don't feel GREAT about!!!  Her daddy is cool with it, though,  so this is one battle I'm going to fight silently.  I'm just hoping Caeden realizes that riding the bus means she has to get up at 6:40, so we can leave the house by 7:05; being taken by Mommie means she could sleep another 40 minutes...I guess I'm the only person sleep is important to around here.

Again, Kai is NOT going to school. I'm just not ready to put her in an organized program--one or two or three days a week-- so I'm going to continue her regular schedule.  Maybe next year! LOL.

Peerless is doing great.  He actually was approached at open house about the possibility of coming out and lending some of his football expertise to the school's program.  They're a young group, but they show a great deal of potential.  I think he's really interested, so we'll see what happens with that.

Mimi is settling into her place.  Tonight was the first night she spent there alone, and she was kind of bummed about that, but I'm sure she won't miss being woken up at 2 am with "Mimi, Mimi...." sounds. 

I'll take pictures of Caeden tomorrow so we can all se how cute she is in her uniform.  Hopefully I won't revert back to kindergarten and leave her at school (yep, I'm taking her tomorrow) crying...not her, me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

School Supplies

It is that time of year, again.  The time of year when my tri-weekly Target runs become less and less enjoyable due to the constant, "Mom, we need three ring notebooks!" "Dad, I DO need a new lunchbox." "Mom, everyone has this eraser! I need it, too."  It's school supply time.

Now, please don't get me wrong: the the oldest girl starts school next Tuesday.  School supply shopping is a necessary evil in my house, as well.  I just don't understand how it becomes a social event.  Luckily this year Caeden is going to a private school.  As such, the only school supply she is to bring on the first day is her backpack. YIPPPPEEEE.  Peerless, however, does not share in my joy, as he sees the school's attempt at supply equalization as more of a ploy to overcharge us parents for the supplies they provide.  I, personally, think not having to buy supplies is a bonus.  In our house the school shopping goes like this:  Mommie (me) buys all the necessities for school (clothes, books, paper, pens, lunch making materials, book bags, kleenex, folders, hand sanitizers, sandwich bags, copying paper, and any other number of "office type" supplies teachers send letters home saying kids need.  Peerless' school supplies list consists of one item: tennis shoes.  It is his sole mission in life to make sure his daughters wear the freshest, most crisp white sneakers available.  During these times, I am reminded of one very important thing:  Peerless went to a predominantly black school where fashion was as much of a necessity as the pen  you wrote  your assignments with.  I, on the other hand, lived my life first as a military brat and then later in life as one of the, oh, 2% of black people who went to my high school.  I was offered the luxury of dressing however I wanted and being so very accepted.  Aaaaaah. The memories.

Adding to the stress of school supply shopping for Caeden is the reality that Kai Baby is starting preschool next week, as well.  I think.  Every time I ask her if she's going to school she says NO.  I'm beginning to have second thoughts about taking her to school.  She's been doing better and better at Gymboree, and I don't want to miss out on too much of her life.  What to do!!!!  I guess we'll have to wait and see what next week holds for us all.  In the meantime, I'll be sure to let you know what sneakers Caeden winds up with.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Christmas in August

Have you guys ever seen something in passing, noted how wonderfully fantastic it was, and then seemingly forgotten about it?  I had one of these moments a month ago.  I was in Louis Vuitton with Peerless, Kai, and my homegirl, Kortni (who also happens to be my hair stylist), and I saw the most fabulous shoes EVER.  They happened to match a purse P got me for Mother's Day PERFECTLY.  So, this morning I went to the gym, went to pick Caeden up from my mom's to take her to camp, came home and showered, and was headed to the bedroom to finish getting dressed when on the bed sat two cards and a bag from Louis Vuitton.  I commenced to opening the cards, and then proceeding to the bag.  Lo and behold, Peerless DOES listen to me!!!  Santa brought his FAVORITE elf a special gift.  Look below to see what I'll be delivering gifts in this season.