Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mr. Price's #1 Fan!!!!

My mom told me before that one of the biggest mistakes a person can make when it comes to me is giving me too much time to think....about anything.  My mind works so OVER analytically that I can find myself in a philosophical debate (albeit with myself) about something as trivial as which brand of syrup is best, and why.  Today I found myself with a little bit of time at--of all places--the dentist's office.  (Shout out to our dentist, Dr. Randolph Moore--super gentle, super good!)  The dentist's assistant, Kristy, had come in and done my evaluation and was making small talk.  She asked me how Peerless was doing, and I answered her just like I answer most people, "He's doing really good--getting better everyday and is totally convinced that he is ok to play football like yesterday."  Once she left I really started thinking--not so much on how my husband was doing--but about HOW my husband was doing.  I started thinking about how for the past twenty-something years he has lived, breathed, and trained for a life of football.  When he broke his leg in college he turned a near season ending injury into a four month injury and started the season opener.  His first training camp at Buffalo he twisted his knee, and again rebounded back and was ready for the season.  Every time he has been injured he bounced back and was ready to go.  His neck has been leaps and bounds different. Although he FEELS like he's 100%, there's still a chance that his body could sustain a horrible hit and his neck could snap just so thereby ending his football career and his life of WALKING.  

I realized that even when P PISSES ME OFF I am extremely proud of him.  I'm proud of how he has dealt with his situation and still has a positive outlook on life.  I just sat in the dentist's office and realized, yet again, that I truly am the President, cheerleading advisor, and CFO of the Peerless Price fan club.  I just wanted to take a chance and share that fact with you......  Have a wonderful evening. 

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